Export Incentives

Export Incentives

Export incentives (including e-export, electronic export, micro-export) are state incentives given by the Ministry of Commerce (formerly the Ministry of Economy), KOSGEB and Eximbank in the form of unrequited grants for export preparation, export development, international branding, and becoming permanent in the markets.


Export incentives are provided for companies to prepare for export, increase their exports and achieve a sustainable export structure.


Export incentives (including e-export and micro-export supports) are listed below;

  • Office, Warehouse, Showroom, Store Rental Incentive for Abroad
  • Advertising and Promotion Incentive for Abroad (including social media, Facebook, Instagram, Google, influencer, etc.)
  • Market Entry Documents - Quality Test Analysis Documents Incentive
  • Trademark Registration Incentive for Abroad
  • International Fair Incentive - Domestic Fair Incentive
  • International Market Research Travel Incentive
  • Freight Incentive - International Cargo
  • Virtual Fair and Other Digital Activities


Ministry of Commerce Export Incentives


Export Incentives of the Ministry of Commerce can be basically classified as product (goods) export incentives, service export incentives, technical consultancy incentives, Turquality (Branding) Incentive, KOSGEB Export ıncentive(KOSGEB Foreign Market Incentive Program) and Eximbank loans.


Summary Table of Export Incentives - Foreign Trade Incentives


Incentive Name

Incentive Rate

Incentive Limit


Rental Incentive for Abroad

(Store, Office, Showroom, Warehouse, Product display greenhouse/field, Department)


7.629.156 TL  per unit Annually

4 years /country


25 units/company

Advertising and Promotion Activities Incentives for Abroad

(Visual and written promotion, sponsorship, website design, billboards, catalogues, giveaways, presentations, conferences, Facebook, Instagram, Google, Amazon, Etsy and other social platforms)

Temporary (Pop-up) Merchandising Incentives

Within the scope of temporary (pop-up) merchandising, which is the retailing method established in the markets for a maximum of 3 months; rent, organization, and other pop-up-specific promotional expenses


9.536.972TL-15.260.421TL  per country Annually

4 years

Trademark Registration and Protection Incentive for Abroad


2.860.670TL per year


Travel - Market Research Incentive for Abroad


278.091TL  per trip

5 Trips - 1.390.455TL

Export-Oriented Document Acquisition Incentive

Incentive for Test, Analysis and Documentation for Proving the Quality of Products


15.260.421 TL Annual


Domestic and International Fair Participation Incentive


571.290 TL/ 952.853 TL/

2.860.670 TL (Fuar Başına)

Y.İÇİ  303.563TL


Company Acquisition Incentive for Abroad




Brand Purchasing Incentive for  Abroad




Market Research Report Incentive for Abroad


557.726 TL


Individual Membership Incentive for E-Commerce Sites




Virtual Fair Participation Incentive




International Freight Incentive




Logistics Center Usage Incentive for Abroad





State Incentives in Export


State incentives in exports are divided into exports of goods and services. Product (goods) export incentives are explained below.

Service export incentives are classified under Foreign Exchange Earning Service Trade Incentives - Service Export Incentives; It is provided in education, health, health tourism, informatics (including Application and Game Development Incentives ), Film, Cinema and Documentary, Broadcasting, Logistics and Management consultancy sectors.

Click on the link for service export incentives.

Click on this link for Technical Consultancy Support Services for Abroad.


Incentives for Opening Stores, Workplaces, Offices, Warehouses Abroad


50% of the rents of the offices, stores, warehouses, showrooms, etc. that your company will open abroad are reimbursed for manufacturers and 50% for commercial companies.


Table of Supports for Opening Stores, Offices, Warehouses Abroad



Manufacturing Companies

Commercial Companies


Upper Limit

(per unit)

Incentive Rate

Upper Limit

(per unit)

Incentive Rate


7.629.156 TL

50 %

7.629.156 TL

50 %



7.629.156 TL

50 %

7.629.156 TL

50 %


The incentive payment is for a maximum of 25 units.


Incentive period: 4 years


Incentives for Advertising and Promotion Abroad


60% of the expenditures for printing catalogs, social media (advertising incentive such as Facebook, Instagram, Google influencer, etc.), magazines, newspapers, television advertisements and pop-up merchandising for 4 years and in the desired number of countries are paid back to your company by the Ministry.


The annual upper limit of promotional expenditures is 15.260.421TL 


If you have a unit that benefits from rental incentive , the annual incentive expenditure limit for that country is 9.536.972TL-

Incentive Amount:  9.536.972TL-15.260.421TL

Incentive Rate: 50%

Incentive Period: 4 Years

Market Entry Documentation Incentive- Incentivefor Analysis and Documentation for Proving the Quality of Products

  • Determination of Compliance with Standards
  • Determination of Compliance with Life Safety
  • Mandatory Quality and Safety Certificates for Export
  • Incentive for Agricultural Tests and Analysis

50% of the expenses to be made for the preparation of documents that have to be taken while exporting or that will provide an advantage to the company when exporting are reimbursed by the Ministry.

Incentive upper limit is 15.260.421 TL per year.

Freight Incentive

Freight incentive is provided through exporter associations for exports by land, air and sea. Depending on the product GTIP code, the type of transport and the destination country incentive vary. For more information, please contact Plus Global Consulting.


International Market Research Incentives- Incentives for International Business Travels


Incentive for 50% of transportation costs, accommodation and car rental expenses


278.091TL per trip for two staff


Incentive is given for up to 5 trips per year.


Fair Incentive - Incentives for Fair Expenditures (Opening a Stand)


The amount calculated over a square meter fee determined by the Ministry for each fair can be recovered within the scope of the incentive.


There are two ways to participate in a fair:


1- National Participation


2- Individual Participation


Incentive rate: 50%.


The upper limit of incentive is 418,681 TL for individual participation, for general fair organizations; It is 698,317 TL at prestige fairs and 2,096,497 TL at sectoral fairs.


Green Passport Incentives to Exporters


Green passport right is provided if the company exports an annual average of more than 500 thousand dollars in the last three years.


Passports can be used for two years, and can be applied again when the two-year period expires.


The person who will receive the passport must be the owner, partner or employee of the company.



Annual Average Exports of Company (USD)

Number of Person who will have the Green Passport Right

500.000- 10.000.000








Higher than 100.000.000




Trademark Registration Incentive


If the company has one or more trademarks registered in Turkey, 50% of the expenses related to the registration and protection of these trademarks in any country of the world is reimbursed by the Ministry.


Incentive upper limit :  8.387.533TL per year

Incentive period : 4 years

Incentive for Acquisition of a Company Abroad


60% of your total expenditures for financial and legal consultancy services to be received when purchasing a company abroad are reimbursed to your company by the Ministry.


The upper limit of incentive is 8.387.533TL  per year.


Click for more detailed information about Company and Brand Purchasing Incentives Abroad.


Market Research Report Abroad Incentive- Incentive for Knowing the Customer and Learning the Market


Market or Industry Report Incentive for Knowing Customers and Competitors


Incentives for Measuring Brand Awareness


Market or Industry Report Incentive to Learn Sales Rules and Practices


For export, 50% of the report expenses to be prepared by the consulting firms competent about the customers, the specific market or the sector is reimbursed by the Ministry.


Incentive upper limit is 557.726TL per year.



Product Development (P&D) Incentives- P&D Projects


In case the cooperation organizations that your company is a member of are involved in a project to increase the exports of your company and the sector it is in, 75% of the expenses related to the different activities it participates in (for example, training, consultancy, joining delegations to establish relations with potential customers, etc.) is supported.

Within the scope of P&D projects, which will last for 5 years, specific to your company's sector, first of all, a needs analysis is made and the markets you can export with what you need to do to gain competitive power are determined by the experts of the business.


Incentives for Participants in Sectoral Trade Committees


50% of the expenses of the two people joining the committee from your company are reimbursed within the scope of the incentive.


The incentive rate for committees to target and priority countries is 50%.


Branding and Turquality Incentive


Click for Turquality and Brand Incentive Program details.


KOSGEB Foreign Market Incentive Program


Within the scope of the KOSGEB Foreign Market Incentive Program, 300.000 TL incentive is given as KOSGEB export incentive. Click for details.


Providing Additional Incentives to the Activities Performed in the Target Sectors to the Target Countries in the State Incentives for the Export of Goods


With the president's decision on Providing Additional Incentive to the Target Countries for the Activities Performed in the Target Sectors in the State Incentives for the Export of Goods, additional incentive will be given to the promotional and marketing expenses of the companies engaged in industrial and/or commercial activities in the sectors determined as the target by the Ministry of Commerce. Click for details of target sectors and target countries.


Click here for information about Supporting Digital Activities in Market Entry.

→Individual Membership Incentive for E-Commerce Sites

→Virtual Trade Committee Incentive

→Virtual Fair Participation Incentive

→Virtual Fair Organization Incentive


Incentives for Foreign Logistics Centers- State Incentives for Foreign Logistics Centers


In order to increase exports and increase the market chance of Turkish goods, state incentives will be given within the scope of the Incentive and Price Stabilization Fund in order to support the Foreign Logistics Centers (YDLM). Click for detailed information about supporting Foreign Logistics Centers.


Click here for frequently asked questions (FAQs) about export incentives of the Ministry of Commerce.


Management System Incentive - DYS - Ministry of Trade - Exporters' Association

Applications for service export incentive are made through the Management System Incentive DYS. Plus Global Consulting will inform you about the necessary documents and process. Click to get information about the Management System Incentive.


Export Incentives Consultancy Services


Export Incentives Consultancy, is carried out by our expert teams in all cities such as Istanbul, Ankara, Izmir, Adana, Gaziantep, Kahramanmaraş, Bursa, Kocaeli, Sakarya, Kayseri, Denizli, Konya, Trabzon as Plus Global Consulting.


You can contact Plus Global Consulting for the Ministry of Commerce's export-oriented state incentive issues.

