The Ministry of Commerce provides incentives for both mobile application development and game development, and then marketing with advertising and other methods.
KGF, bankalardan yoğun bir şekilde alınan kefalet limiti taleplerini karşılayabilmek ve KOBİ’lere sağlanan desteğin devamlılığını temin etmek amacıyla, kendi özkaynaklarından verilmek üzere ayrı bir paket olarak 2,5 milyar TL kredi hacmi ile KGF Destek Kredisi 2 programı oluşturulacaktır. Kredi Garanti Fonu(KGF) Destek Kredisi - 2022 Yatırım Teşvik Belgesi kapsamında avantaj sağlanacaktır.
50-370k TL amount of entrepreneurship supports are offered to newly established companies by KOSGEB.
After game and mobile application development, the most important needs of entrepreneurs and studios is to meet their marketing expenses. At this point, important incentives are given by the Ministry of Commerce in the context of marketing as well as the development of wool and mobile applications.
Game and Mobile Application entrepreneurs; How to enter the gaming industry? Game and Mobile Application Companies How to set up a game studio? How to grow the team? How to find the right game? How to get an investor? In addition to their questions, they should also know how to get government incentives.
The definition of SME, which is the most important condition for benefiting from KOSGEB supports, has been changed. The net sales revenue or financial balance sheet limit, which is one of the necessary criteria for being an SME, was increased from 125 million TL to 250 million TL.