Game and Mobile Application Marketing Incentives

After game and mobile application development, the most important needs of entrepreneurs and studios is to meet their marketing expenses. At this point, important incentives are given by the Ministry of Commerce in the context of marketing as well as the development of wool and mobile applications.
Game and Mobile Application Marketing Incentives;

  • Overseas Advertising Incentive (all provable ads including social media, google
  • Support for commission fees collected by platforms (Google iOS Commissions)
  • Report, data analysis tools (tool) and consultancy support for foreign company acquisition
  • Overseas trademark registration support
  • Overseas fairs and other supports

Within the scope of the report, data analysis tools (tool) and consultancy support for foreign company acquisition; Expenses related to market research, sector, country, international legislation, data mining/data monitoring/evaluation activities, foreign company or brand-oriented reports (including financial and legal reports) and consultancy services (including financial and legal consultancy) for foreign company acquisitions are supported.
At the marketing stage; Per Game/Application

